Showing all courses by
Bronagh Quinn
Concussion Rehab: Objective Measures for Return-to-Function
How to be objective in your assessment when returning people back to work, school, and sport after concussion.
12 months
1 hour
What’s New in Concussion Rehab in 2023
Latest evidence and clinical advances in the assessment and management of concussion. Find out how these advances will influence your understanding of concussion and directly affect your clinical practice.
12 months
1 Hour
The Role of the Physiotherapist in Concussion
The role of the physiotherapist in the triage & management of concussion - includes pathophysiology, neuroanatomy, cervical spine and the vestibular and oculomotor systems, treatment and management of concussion.
12 months
6 hours
Showing all events by
Bronagh Quinn
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