
Showing all courses by

Dr Angela Cadogan


Tailored CPD learning packages for your clinical team.

12 Months


Rotator Cuff-Related Pain | Masterclass

Comprehensive coverage of evidence-informed, clinical best practice for advanced MSK clinicians on pathoaetiology, differential diagnosis, non-surgical management, and rehabilitation of atraumatic rotator cuff pain.

12 months

3.5 hours

Shoulder Essentials Online Course

Master assessment, differential diagnosis and rehabilitation for frozen shoulder, rotator cuff related pain and traumatic shoulder instability. Update on latest evidence including use of injections and referral criteria.

12 months

4 hours

Traumatic Shoulder Instability

Latest evidence relating to the pathomechanics, clinical and imaging diagnosis, referral criteria and rehabilitation of traumatic shoulder instability.

12 months

1 hour

Post-Professional Education in Physiotherapy: Gaps, Challenges & Future Directions

Hear a panel discussion with Physio Academy instructors and Specialist Physiotherapists on the past, present and future of post-professional physiotherapy education. Are we keeping up with changing healthcare roles and learning needs?

12 months

1 hour

Rotator Cuff-Related Pain

Latest evidence relating to the diagnosis, non-surgical management and referral criteria for atraumatic RCRP with a specific focus on physiotherapy rehabilitation guidelines and clinical decision-making.

12 months

1.5 hours

Frozen Shoulder

A summary of latest evidence relating to the pathoaetiology, diagnosis and non-surgical management of frozen shoulder with a specific focus on physiotherapy rehabilitation guidelines and clinical decision-making.

12 months

1.5 hours

MSK Foundations

Essential skills for the early career physiotherapist. Learn the basics of red flag screening, differential diagnosis and treatment planning. Learn while you work with short micro-learning modules.

3.5 hours

MSK Foundations | Red Flags

This course aims to give early career physiotherapist the knowledge and skills to help recognise and interpret red flag indicators of potentially serious pathology and to take appropriate action.

12 months

1.5 hours

Expectations on New Graduates

Starting a career in physiotherapy can be daunting. Find out what is (and isn’t) expected of new graduate physiotherapists, how to navigate the ‘learning curve’ to build proficiency over time and enjoy the journey!

12 months

1 hour

Graduate Academy

Join our community of physiotherapy graduates to get support and learn essential clinical and professional skills to start your career with confidence.



Shoulder Academy Membership

Subscribe, Learn and Thrive. Join our community of physiotherapists and become confident in managing shoulder conditions with access to latest evidence, live QA's, clinical resources, online community support, preferential booking and discounts.



Osteoarthritis – Beyond Wear and Tear

Is osteoarthritis due to ‘wear and tear’? Is running bad for OA? What should we be telling our patients and what can physiotherapy do?

12 months

1 hour

Decision-Making at Pinnacle Events

Listen to Chelsea Lane talk about challenges for the sports physiotherapist and what is your hidden ‘super-power’ when it comes to decision-making in pressure situations.

12 months

1 hour

The Tricky Scapula

Scapula dyskinesis can be ‘tricky’ to treat and some people have persistent pain or shoulder instability despite extensive treatment. Is sensory perception the forgotten link in rehabilitation?

12 months

1 hour

Screening: Cervical Spine & Neurological Examination

Upper limb pain can have many causes, and thorough examination of the cervical spine and associated neurology is critical in differentiating cervical spine referred pain and guiding management.

12 months

3 hours

Screening: Diagnostic Classification of Shoulder Pain

Having excluded other causes of shoulder pain, we now look at the clinical classification of shoulder conditions to help guide management.

12 months

3 hours

Screening: Health Screening

Health screening is important to help identify modifiable lifestyle factors that may help prevent the development of chronic, non-communicable diseases, and to identify patients whose symptoms may be part of a systemic medical condition.

12 months

4 hours

Screening: Pain and Psychosocial Modifiers

Identifying the type of pain, mechanisms contributing to persistent pain and the influence of psychosocial factors are critical in the diagnostic process, and in selection of appropriate treatment interventions.

12 months

3 hours

Screening: Red Flags

Identification of red flag indicators of serious and life-threatening pathology is critical in primary health care.

12 months

3 hours

Screening: Shoulder Imaging

The ability to appropriately refer for, and interpret the results of diagnostic imaging investigations is critical in primary health care.

12 months

3 hours

Shoulder Screening

Learn to systematically work through a process of screening patients for red flags, other causes of shoulder pain, obtain appropriate diagnostic imaging, & classify shoulder pain into categories that guide management

12 months

20 hours

Shoulder Webinar Package

Four Shoulder Webinars for NZD $40.

12 months

4 hours

Surgical Management and Post Operative Rehabilitation Package

Mr Khalid Mohammed discusses orthopaedic referral criteria, clinical & imaging diagnosis, surgical decision-making, techniques & outcomes. Includes post-op rehabilitation for common shoulder surgeries.

12 months

12 hours

Acromioclavicular Joint

Pathoaetiology, natural history, diagnosis & management of AC and SC joint conditions. Diagnosis of AC joint pain and then divided according to evidence for specific management of AC and SC joint conditions

12 months

10 hours

The Acromioclavicular Joint: Diagnosis of Acromioclavicular Joint Pain

The ability to differentiate the AC joint as the source of pain, then sub-differentiate specific pathologies that vary in investigations, management and prognosis, is essential in the effective management of AC joint conditions.

12 months

3 hours

Acromioclavicular Joint Arthropathy

AC joint instability is a common injury, with varying correlation between symptoms and grade of injury. In this lesson we look at the classification of AC joint instability and how this guides management.

12 months

3 hours

Acromioclavicular Joint Instability

AC joint instability is a common injury, with varying correlation between symptoms and grade of injury. In this lesson we look at the classification of AC joint instability and how this guides management.

12 months

3 hours

Acromioclavicular Joint: The Sternoclavicular Joint

The sternoclavicular joint can be affected by a range of primary pathologies, and is involved in a number of systemic disease processes. Differential diagnosis is critical in identifying red flags & guiding appropriate management.

12 months

3 hours

Rotator Cuff

Pathoaetiology, natural history, diagnosis & non-surgical management of rotator cuff-related conditions.

12 months

18 hours

Rotator Cuff: Atraumatic, Rotator Ruff-Related Pain

Atraumatic, rotator cuff related pain (RCRP) encompasses a number of subacromial conditions that are managed non-operatively.

12 months

4 hours

Rotator Cuff: Calcific Tendinopathy

Calcific tendinopathy is a cell-mediated process that may be self-limiting, or may require specific intervention.

12 months

4 hours

Rotator Cuff: Diagnosis of Subacromial Pain

The ability to first differentiate the subacromial region as the source of pain is the first step in the diagnostic process for symptomatic subacromial pathology.

12 months

3 hours

Rotator Cuff: Massive/Inoperable Rotator Cuff Tears

Massive or inoperable rotator cuff tears require specific rehabilitation, and many patients regain good upper limb function.

12 months

4 hours

Rotator Cuff: Traumatic Rotator Cuff Tears

Identification and appropriate referral for orthopaedic review is important for traumatic rotator cuff tears.

12 months

3 hours

Shoulder Course

This is a series of five online modules covering all aspects of shoulder screening, diagnosis and management.

Lifetime of site

56 hours

Stiff Shoulder

Includes all Stiff Shoulder lessons in one discounted package. Diagnosis of the stiff shoulder, Frozen shoulder, and Glenohumeral osteoarthritis.

12 months

9 hours

Stiff Shoulder: Diagnosis of the Stiff Shoulder

Many conditions can present with a 'stiff shoulder', and an accurate differential diagnosis is important to ensure the patient receives appropriate treatment for their condition.

12 months

3 hours

Stiff Shoulder: Frozen Shoulder

In this lesson, we will cover: pathoaetiology, natural history, diagnosis of frozen shoulder, non-operative management, evidence-informed physiotherapy management, and referral criteria.

12 months

3 hours

Stiff Shoulder: Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis

In this lesson, we will cover: pathoaetiology, natural history, diagnosis of frozen shoulder, non-operative management, evidence-informed physiotherapy management, and referral criteria.

12 months

3 hours

Unstable Shoulder

All Unstable Shoulder lessons in one discounted package. | Clinical diagnosis of shoulder instability | Diagnosis of Shoulder Instability | Management of Shoulder Instability.

12 months

9 hours

Unstable Shoulder: Classification of Shoulder Instability

Accurate classification of shoulder instability is essential in determining appropriate management, and whether imaging or orthopaedic referral required.

12 months

3 hours

Unstable Shoulder: Diagnosis of Shoulder Instability

Traumatic and atraumatic instability differ in the structural and neuromuscular mechanisms. An accurate diagnosis is required to ensure appropriate treatment is provided.

12 months

3 hours

Unstable Shoulder: Management of Shoulder Instability

Non-surgical management forms the basis of treatment for many patients with instability. Understanding & being able to assess specific neuromuscular impairments is essential in the physiotherapy management of shoulder instability.

12 months

3 hours

Surgical Management & Post-Operative Rehabilitation of the Acromioclavicular Joint

Mr Khalid Mohammed (Shoulder &a Upper Limb Specialist) presents on "Surgical Management" of the AC Joint and Dr Angela Cadogan (Physiotherapy Specialist) presents the post-operative rehabilitation of the AC Joint.

12 months

3 hours

Surgical Management & Post-Operative Rehabilitation of the Rotator Cuff

Mr Khalid Mohammed presents a comprehensive course on diagnosis & surgical management of common rotator cuff conditions & Dr Angela Cadogan presents the post-operative rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair surgery.

12 months

3 hours

Surgical Management & Post-Operative Rehabilitation of the Stiff Shoulder

Mr Khalid Mohammed presents a comprehensive course on diagnosis and surgical management of the stiff shoulder and Dr Angela Cadogan (Physiotherapy Specialist) presents the post-operative rehabilitation of the stiff shoulder.

12 months

3 hours

Surgical Management & Post-Operative Rehabilitation of the Unstable Shoulder

Surgical Management of traumatic shoulder instability including clinical examination, imaging, surgical decision-making, surgical techniques & outcomes, followed by post-operative rehabilitation of the unstable shoulder.

12 months

3 hours

Career Pathways for Physiotherapists Webinar

Watch this pre-recorded Career Pathways for Physiotherapists Webinar, available for 14 days. CPD Certificates available.

12 months

1 hour

Frozen Shoulder: What's New in Physiotherapy Management Webinar

In this webinar we will overview some of the latest evidence in frozen shoulder research and combine a clinical reasoning framework to provide simple and practical advice for managing people with Frozen Shoulder.

12 months

1 hour

How to Build A Career Pathway in Physiotherapy

Find out about career opportunities for physiotherapists and how to match professional recertification requirements with your clinical and professional goals to help develop a career plan.

12 months

1 hour

Problem-Solving the Problem Shoulder Webinar

Identify common reasons why people with shoulder pain often don�t improve with physiotherapy treatment and will give you practical tips on what you can do to get them progressing in the right direction.

12 months

1 hour

Re-thinking Rotator Cuff Rehabilitation Webinar

In this webinar we look at the principles of rehabilitation for rotator cuff rehabilitation. We challenge the beliefs about effects of exercise for rotator cuff related pain and discuss a new way of thinking about rehabilitation.

12 months

0.5 hours

Screening for Serious Pathology Webinar

Watch this pre-recorded Screening for Serious Pathology Webinar, available for 14 days. CPD Certificates and handouts available.

12 months

1 hour

Telehealth for Physiotherapists Webinar

NZ Government Level 4 alert measures for COVID-19 come into effect on 25th March. Physiotherapists will cease face-to-face consultations and telehealth may become the only way of providing continuity of care.

12 months

1 hour

The Older Shoulder Webinar

Diagnosis and management of shoulder pain in the elderly can be challenging. In this webinar you will learn about common shoulder conditions, how to modify your assessment and what treatment options are appropriate.

12 months

1 hour


Showing all events by

Dr Angela Cadogan

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